Smoking and Alcohol
Regulations and Standards
Related guidance
The home should ensure that children are provided with advice and support on good health. This information should supplement that provided by any educational setting, and should cover smoking and alcohol.
It is an offence for shops to sell cigarettes and tobacco products to under 18s or for an adult to buy cigarettes or tobacco products for them. Staff are not permitted to purchase or give cigarettes / e-cigarettes, tobacco, or the materials for making or lighting cigarettes or tobacco to children. Children may not smoke within the home or its grounds.
Some children may already smoke when they are placed in the home. You should support and encourage such young people to reduce or stop smoking. Support will be available from the Children Looked After Nurse or the young person’s GP. This should be discussed with the child/young person’s social worker and addressed as part of the young person’s Health Recommendation Plan.
Staff and visitors are not permitted to smoke in front of children. Homes may designate an area where staff may smoke.
It is an offence for shops to sell e-cigarettes to under 18s or for an adult to buy e-cigarettes for them.
The long-term effects of vaping / E-cigarettes on health are unknown, but it should be regarded as potentially harmful to health in the same way as smoking.
Some children/young people may already vape before they are placed in the Home. Staff should support and encourage such young people to reduce or stop vaping. Support is available from the Looked After Children's Nurse or the young person's GP. This should be discussed with the child/young person's social worker and addressed as part of the young person's Health Plan.
Staff are not permitted to purchase or give vapes to children/young people.
However, if a young person indicates that they would like to try e-cigarettes as a way of giving up smoking, they should be encouraged to contact the Children Looked After Nurse, their GP or local stop smoking services.
For more information please see Electronic Cigarettes - Evidence and Advice on E-cigarettes (GOV.UK).
All homes should be alcohol free zones; alcohol should not be brought or kept on the premises and children should not normally be taken into licensed premises, unless it is part of a clear plan leading toward independence or a special occasion; e.g. Christmas.
Health promotion should address the harmful effects of alcohol and provide children and young people in our care with an informed view on the subject.
If staff are concerned that a child/young person has been drinking alcohol, this should be raised with the home’s manager, and the child’s social worker as required. Where it becomes evident, or it is suspected, that a child or young person has been drinking alcohol, the most appropriate response will vary depending on how much the young person has had to drink or how it has effected them. Suggested options are outlined below:
- Offering fluids - water, squash;
- Periodic monitoring and checks by staff - 10 minutes, 30 minutes, hourly, etc.
- Contacting health professionals for advice e.g. G.P.;
- Hospitalisation for day patient or overnight stay if appropriate, etc.
See Alcohol, young people and the law (GOV.UK).
Staff are not permitted to consume alcohol whilst on duty and should not arrive at work under the influence of alcohol. If this happens the relevant procedures will be followed.
Last Updated: December 5, 2024